E.O.Y. F.I. Categories
NO PROP SET UP TIME ALLOWED ! The maximum time for this category is three (3) minutes. The contestant will be required to state their name, what contest they are representing and where they are from. This may be done any time during the three minutes. The remainder of the time can be used in any manner to present the contestant to the judges and audience. ***There is no set up or break down time for this category*** This category is worth 40 points and points received are carried over from the preliminary night and added to the final night score.
Talent may be any type of entertainment as long as it is legal and does not create any danger of injury to either the contestant or anyone else. Talent presentations are limited to seven (7) minutes in length. Prop set up and break down time is limited to five (5) minutes total. There is no restriction on the number of persons who may be involved in the talent presentation. Music for the talent category must be clearly marked with the contestant’s name and contestant number. This category is worth 100 points
Each contestant will be asked a question on stage. The question will be composed from the personal biography each contestant submits. Approximately three (3) minutes is allowed for answers. This category is worth 10 points and is carried over from the preliminary night and added to the final night score.
NO PROP SET TIME ALLOWED!!! Evening Wear may be of any color or style, and should display creativity, imagination and individuality on the part of the contestant. In the Evening wear category we are looking for a total evening wear look from head to toe and the proper display of that look. This should not be a costume. No outfit commentary cards will be read during this portion of the contest, and it is free form modeling. This category is worth 50 points
The total number of points available from each judge is 200 points.
The Entry fee for EOY, FI is $250.00 (new promoters), $225 (returning promoters). Contestants must have qualified in a preliminary EOY pageant.
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
Category winners: (based on the accumulative preliminary score)
On Stage Interview - Plaque
Presentation - Plaque
Creative Evening Wear – Plaque
Talent - Plaque
Top Three Finalist :
Second Alternate - $500.00
First Alternate - $1,000.00
2025 Entertainer of the Year - $10,000.00
The EOY, FI winner will receive $4,000.00 upon winning the crown.
On December 1, 2025, the EOY, FI winner will receive $2,000.00.
The remaining $4,000.00 will be awarded at the 2026 Entertainer of the Year contest when the title is passed on to Entertainer of the Year 2026.
The winner will also be entitled to receive the $250.00 Entertainer of the Year booking fee for performing at the State and Regional preliminaries during their reign.
All contestants winning cash prizes will be paid immediately following the finale of the 2025 Entertainer of the Year contest.
Monies will be paid in the office.

Categories For Mr. Entertainer of the Year:
Creative Presentation: [30 points] In this category the contestant is given 3 minutes. The contestant will be required to state their name, what contest they are representing, and where they are from. This may be done any time during the three minutes. The remainder of the time can be used in any manner to present the contestant to the judges and the audience. This is not a formal wear category, this is not a creative costume category, this is a category of creative expression regarding an introduction of some aspect of who you are and the first impression you want to make upon the judges and the audience. Props are allowed but there is no prop set up or breakdown time allotted for this category and there is no proscenium curtain to open and close.
Creative Evening Wear: [40 points] Creative Evening Wear may be of any color or style and should display creativity, imagination, and individuality on the part of the contestant. Creative Evening wear does not have to be a traditional tuxedo. Creative evening wear can take many forms as long as it is creative and an evening wear. We are looking for a total evening wear look from head to toe and the proper display and presentation of that look. No outfit commentary cards will be read during this portion. Modeling is freeform modeling. This category is not evening wear with a gimmick, this category is not creative club wear, this category is not a creative costume. This category is creative evening wear. Present an outstanding, high quality evening wear, that is truly unique and creative from top to bottom. Props are allowed but there is no prop set up or breakdown time allotted for this category and there is no proscenium curtain to open and close.
On-Stage Question: [10 Points] Each contestant will be asked a question and respond to on stage. The question will be composed from the personal biography each contestant submits. Approximately three (3) minutes is allowed for answers, but the answers are not timed. Be responsible and use good judgement.
Creative Swim Wear:[20 points] Creative Swim Wear may be of any color or style and should display creativity, imagination, and individuality on the part of the contestant. Creative swim wear can take many forms as long as it is creative and a swim wear. We are looking for a total look from head to toe and the presentation of that look. No outfit commentary cards will be read during this portion. This category will score along the lines of presentation, poise, fit of the garments, appearance and of course creativity. Modeling is free form modeling. This category is not a beauty contest. Props are allowed but there is no prop set up or breakdown time allotted for this category and there is no proscenium curtain to open and close.
Talent: [100 points] The time limit for talent is seven (7) minutes. The time limit for set up and tear down is five (5) minutes total. Props are allowed. There is no restriction on the number of persons who may be involved in the talent presentation. Back up entertainers for the talent category will be assigned a dressing area. Please inform the contestant liaison of the exact number of back up entertainers and prop personal you talent presentation will require at the registration/orientation meeting.
Total Point Value: 200 points [per judge]
Prizes & Entry Fees For Mr. EOY:
The Entry fee for Mr. EOY is $200.00 (new promoters), $175 (returning promoters). Contestants must have qualified in a preliminary EOY pageant.
Total Value Of Cash & Physical Prizes: $3,000
Prize For The Winner:
$1,500 upon winning the title
$1,500 upon passing on the title at the Mr. EOY 2026 Contest.
$200 booking fee upon performance at any Mr. State/Regional Prelims.
A Medallion Winner's Trophy or Plaque Prize
For The 1st Alternate:
$500 following crowning the night of placement.
1st Alternate's Trophy or Plaque Prize
For The 2nd Alternate:
2nd Alternate's Trophy or Plaque
Category Winners:
Creative Presentation - Trophy or Plaque
Creative Evening Wear - Trophy or Plaque
On-Stage Question - Trophy or Plaque
Talent - Trophy or Plaque
*SLS Pride Foundation, Mr. Entertainer of the Year, and all affiliates are not responsible for any additional sponsorships, prizes, awards or remuneration that is not specifically listed on this page.