![Sunday Finals Night [TEST]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d0c45e_b5088f3829a54bb38dac3ad4f518d9ae~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_551,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/d0c45e_b5088f3829a54bb38dac3ad4f518d9ae~mv2.png)
![Sunday Finals Night [TEST]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d0c45e_b5088f3829a54bb38dac3ad4f518d9ae~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_551,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/d0c45e_b5088f3829a54bb38dac3ad4f518d9ae~mv2.png)
Sun, Jul 28
|Location To Be Announced SHORTLY
Sunday Finals Night [TEST]
Celebrating 33 years, we welcome you to National Entertainer of the Year, FI and Mr. EOY 2024. Come witness a fabulous night of pageantry and competition as contestants from all over the world complete for the ultimate title. NOTE: This event page is for Sunday night Finals Night contest only.
Time & Location
Jul 28, 2024, 7:00 PM EDT – Jul 29, 2024, 12:00 AM EDT
Location To Be Announced SHORTLY
About the event
Welcome to the Finals Night of Entertainer of the Year, FI. Tonight we announce the top 10 contestants who will the compete again in Evening Gown and Talent Competition. Who will be the newly crowned Entertainer of the Year? Join us for a fabulous night of pageantry and cheer on your favorite contestant. Doors open at 6pm and the pageant starts promptly at 7pm. Tickets are available in a variety of categories listed below.
- VIP Tickets - $60.00 (Auditorium Seating - Rows 1 thru 10)
- General Admission (Tables with seating for 8) - $50.00
- General Admission (Auditorium Seating - Side Seats) - $40.00
- Dancer Packets (Purchased by contestant only - see official requirements for purchase ) - $30.00 each dancer
VIP Seating
VIP Seating is auditorium style seating and are the very first 10 rows of the auditorium. These seats are the closes to the stage.
$60.00Tax: +$3.90 Sales Tax+$1.60 service feeSale endedGeneral Admission (Side Seats)
General Admission tickets are on the left and right side of the auditorium - auditorium seating. These tickets are first come, first serve AND ARE NOT designated seat number.
$40.00Tax: +$2.60 Sales Tax+$1.07 service feeSale endedDancer Packet
Each contestant may purchase "dancer packets" for those individuals participating in the stage performance for their respective contestant. Only the contestant may purchase the "dance packet" and he/she must provide the EOY contest administrator with the names of all dancers in your performance. This purchase is non-refundable and must be purchased on the day assigned for purchase of dancer packets. Each dancer must present a valid ID in order to pick up their ticket.
$30.00Tax: +$1.95 Sales TaxSale endedGeneral Admission (Tables)
General Admission in the table seating area is 60-inch round tables with seating for 8 guests. Tables are elevated above the auditorium seating.
$50.00Tax: +$3.25 Sales Tax+$1.33 service feeSale ended